Though not free as in beer
Published on September 20, 2005 By Hengest In Internet
The Opera web browser is now completely free for anyone without any annoying ad. banners at the top.

Why we're going free

Opera has removed the banners, found within our browser, and the licensing fee. Opera’s growth, due to tremendous worldwide customer support, has made today’s milestone an achievable goal. Premium support is available.

So, if you haven't tried it out yet, give it a go. Opera offers many of the same features as Firefox (security, tabs, skins, etc), although it does seem to, generally, use-up less system resources than Firefox.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 20, 2005

Competition is good.

on Sep 20, 2005
Frankly, I kinda feel like a schmuck for paying $40 for it. I guess I've had it long enough that it amounts to less than 10 cents a day. So go ahead and get your's on me.
on Sep 20, 2005
Puts the rest of 'em to shame!
on Sep 20, 2005
hm.. the free licence I got hold of which they gave away didn't feel that special now...

but it's good news anyways. Thanks for the heads up!
on Sep 20, 2005
That's awesome news.
on Sep 20, 2005
So go ahead and get your's on me.

Thanks Lantec!
on Sep 20, 2005
About time! I tried Opera long time ago. NOW, it's FREE. Sweeeeeeeeet!
on Sep 20, 2005
Certainly would be more willing to use it now that its free and has no ads. Those ads were a big turnoff. However i'm comfortable with FF so really don't see a reason to change. I haven't tried Opera in since like version 5 or 6, somewhere in there, yet I just never liked the interface.
I know its been changed, I still don't see the point in switching.

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on Sep 20, 2005
Opera rules!
on Sep 20, 2005
Hey, thanks for the news! I hadn't given Opera a real try because of those ads. Now I'll definitely take a closer look, although I like FireFox quite a bit.
on Sep 20, 2005

I have to download it. Now I'll have 4 different browsers on my computer. If your a web developer, a help desk consultant (or a tech consultant period), or just a techboy you HAVE to have all the major browsers that run on your OS.

Alternatives to IE is great. You think MS would have came up with IE7 before WindowsVS? Nope.

on Sep 20, 2005
Opera rules!


Unfortunately, WC doesn't always seem to like it.

on Sep 20, 2005
? I've never seen that error message and I've been using Opera for quite a while. Have you downloaded the Java Plug-In from the Opera website?
on Sep 20, 2005

I haven't seen that error message here.  However, when I look at a post in the forums the page seems to continuously "reload".

on Sep 20, 2005
when I look at a post in the forums the page seems to continuously "reload".

I haven't experienced any problems with Opera since they fixed the justification problem a few months ago. Opera starts to display the page as soon as it starts to receive data. Are you seeing it load continuosly as long as you view a page. Do you see it in the progress bars as loading?
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