Text is stuffed
Published on September 13, 2005 By Hengest In WindowBlinds
I downloaded the Alienware Invader skin a few weeks ago and was quite impressed by it, so, after a while, I decided to try out Windowblinds. It seems, however, that, after installing the free version with the AlienGUIse manager alrewady installed, all of the text in the Windowblinds Advanced Configuration widow gets 'stuffed-up'.

Btw, when I went to edit the post a bit (damn spelling error!), I found a spelling error on the edit page.

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on Sep 13, 2005
try uninstalling the alienware theme mgr - i had wb first and when i downloaded an earlier alienware it told me i had wb and asked me if i wanted to continue to use that as the default mgr
on Sep 30, 2005
I have problem after installing alienware invader theme manager, my window media player would not show up in full mode. I already uninstall the theme manager,reinstalling wmp10 but to no avail please give opinion
on Sep 30, 2005
this thread may be of interest to you. https://www.wincustomize.com/Forums.aspx?ForumID=188&AID=87888